The list of mountain huts in Triglav National Park that you should definitely visit
Planika Triglav mountain Hut
Located just under the top of Mt Triglav, this is one of the most popular Triglav mountain huts. It lies at an altitude of 2400 meters. Certainly, it’s a perfect base for your climb to the top of the highest Slovenian mountain. From the valley to the hut it’s 5-6 hours of walking and from the hut to the top, you will need approximately 1,5 hours. Unlike Triglav hut at Kredarica, just around the corner, it’s not so crowded. But be prepared for a basic toilet, there is no shower and no tap water.
Triglav Lakes Valley mountain Hut
This is not just one of the most scenic huts in Triglav National Park, but also the most visited one. In addition it lies in the very heart of the park, just next to the Double Lake (two of the seven lakes in the amazing Triglav Lakes Valley). The food is delicious, however, there are only 10 showers per day. If you book ahead, you can also get a private room. No extra words are needed.
Pogačnik mountain Hut at Kriški Podi
On a panoramic hill in the middle of Kriški Podi karstic plateau, surrounded by Mt Planja, Mt Razor, Mt Križ and Mt Stenar, therefore this mountain hut looks like a fairytale. It is situated at 2050 meters, it lies above Soča River Valley and very close to Lake Kriško a 4-5 hours of hiking from the valley. You will want to stay there more than originally planned.
Mountain refuge under Špiček
This one is for real mountain lovers, no hypocrites accepted. Smaller than the rest listed above, consequently quieter and more peaceful. Located at 2064 m under Mt Špiček and close to Mt Jalovec, which is supposed to be the most beautiful Slovenian mountain. You can also find it in the logo of the Slovenian Alpine Association. To reach it, you need 4 hours of hiking from Pass Vršič. Another 2 hours and a half more and you will be on top of Mt Jalovec. From the hut, you will have a gorgeous view of Zadnja Trenta and Upper Soča Valley.
Ajaž mountain hut in Vrata Valley
This one is the lowest hut on this list, you can find it in Vrata Valley on 1015 m, near Triglavska Bistrica stream. But the view from the hut is not to be underrated, just on the contrary, it is amazing. You can see a huge part of Triglav North Face from the hut, which will leave you breathless. This is almost 4 km wide and 1 km high wall, one of the biggest in Eastern Europe. From the hut, you can head to Luknja mountain pass on 1758 m (2 h 30 min) or continue even further, to Mt Bovški Gamsovec and Kriški Podi or over Plemenice to the top of Mt Triglav. If you prefer low land hikes, you can head downwards from the hut and see the beautiful Peričnik waterfall and Vrata valley.
Vodnik mountain hut at Velo Polje
This hut stands by the path from Pokljuka plateau towards Mt Triglav. From Pokljuka it’s only 3 hours of hiking and if you continue to Planika hut it’s another 1,5 hours. It stands on a little plateau, from which you have stunning views over the surrounding mountains and Mt Triglav in the back. Therefore it’s really popular among mountain huts.
If you would like private accommodation, check our offer: Triglav National Park accommodation.